Editor: ES-Calc is a calculator and unit conversion program designed to be used by scientists and engineers. It allows evaluation of complex expressions and can handle most any function contained on a Scientific Calculator.
ES-Calc v 3.0 Features:
* Input expressions in a syntax Similar to a spreadsheet or as assignment statements for a C or FORTRAN program (e.g. 4*tan(12.3)-2)
* Retains a log of the last 200 entered expressions for easy retrieval
* User defined variables to store and reuse results
* Multiple expressions can be input on a single line, separated by a ; (e.g. x=3; y=1/x)
* Complex arithmetic (imaginary numbers) and most functions support complex input
* A rich set of functions are available
* Solution of a linear system of equations with complex expressions and up to 6 unknowns.
* Solution of a nonlinear system of equations with complex expressions and up to 6 unknowns.
* Handy math and science formulas and data are easily displayed
o Formulas for area, volume, moments of Inertia, centroid
o Common trigonometric, logarithm, and hyperbolic relationships
o Common integrals, derivatives, series relations
o Physical Constants, Periodic Table, and material properties
* Degrees and radians modes for trig. functions
* Predefined constants pi and e
* A large set of Unit Converstions available
* Hexadecimal, Octal, Decimal, and Binary Converter
* Debugging of expressions with errors
* Clock calculations (elasped time from wall clock input)
* Small screen footprint and program size
* Create Plots of up to 6 functions